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信息介绍 / Information introduction



    Self-powered content gauge unit consists of transmitter chamber,capillary tube and indication gauge.The weight of the fluid column in the tank will be transformed into gas pressure in the transmitter chamber.The gas pressure is transfered to the indicating gauge through the capillary tube.That means,the weight of the fluid column in the tank is
directly proportional to the indication.
     Self-powered content gauge is widely used for open tanks of Diesel oil,Lub,Oil,Heavy  fuel oil,Solvents gas oil,Fresh water.



1.测量范围(油箱深度):从1米到10米(10M以上为非标定制,技术参数及指标另订);Range(Tank depths):From 1 to 10 meters;
2.过载:可超过比较大测量值的100%;Over load:100% above maximum range;
3.工作温度 Operating temperature:--指示器:Indication gauge:-40-+70℃;
                   --传感器:Transmitter chamber:-40-+120℃;
4.指示器 Indication gauge:      --安装方式Mounting:壁式安装 Wall mounting;
                 --表体材料Gauge body mat’l:1Cr18Ni9Ti;
                                                 Height or Volume/Dual scale available.
5.毛细管 Capillary tube:    --材料 Material:1Cr18Ni9Ti
              --按客户要求可提供其它长度 Available other length on request.

上海束一 021-36337835(零二一三六三三七八三五)http://www.shsycg.com/

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