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Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor with Super Large Ripple Current Resistance acon中元电子供应

信息介绍 / Information introduction

中元专注于固态铝电容器研制、生产和销售,秉持技术为先、创新为本的理念,视技术进步为企业生命,以“**的**固态铝电容器制造商”是中元未来的发展方向和目标构想,是全体员工共同奋斗的美好愿望。中元电子将依托深耕电容器行业的底蕴和在人才、技术、渠道、品牌等资源积累的良好基础,以持续的技术性能提升,Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor with Super Large Ripple Current Resistance、研发投入和创新作为主要推动力,Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor with Super Large Ripple Current Resistance,依靠全体员工的不懈努力和锐意进取,Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor with Super Large Ripple Current Resistance,以高 效管理和质量丰富的产品门类在全球电子行业特别是电力电子行业做强做大,以实现这一宏伟目标。


企业文化(Corporate Culture)


Goal: Pursue to be a top company in Capacitor industry with great efforts and continuous innovation.


Mission: Promote the development of Capacitor industry via long-term planning, advanced technology and management along with Enhancement of the core competencies of the company.

经营理念:诚信为本   发展共赢   共创未来

Business Principle: Build on faith, reaching mutual win situation to create a more beautiful future with our partners.


Core Competencies: Customers orientation, persist in advance with times, accuracy in details and drive for perfection


Core values: people-oriented, kindly treatment to employees; provide fair and just development channels for employees, reflecting the value of excellent employees

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