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MAC406 欢迎来电 上海君宜化工供应

信息介绍 / Information introduction

Junyichem Co, LTD is located in Shanghai China. We are a research and production enterprise that serve the chemical industry.we have professional research and technical service team and are committed to become a manufacturer service provider with forward-looking research of new materials in chemical industry. Serve the rubber,MAC406,MAC406, plastic, coating, paint,MAC406, ink and other industries. We have several production bases in China, our products include special additives, resins and functional reinforcing filler etc Junyichem provide special BETA functional additives, annual output of 3000 tons Junyichem provide BETA color master batches, annual output of 3000 tons Betachem provide quality AdvanZ resins annual output of 20000 tons. Junyichem provide special SAK functional fillers.


(轮胎) 轮胎按照其用途来分,可分给轿车轮胎,轻型载重汽车轮胎,载重和公共汽车轮胎,工程机械轮胎,越野汽车轮胎,农业和林业机械轮胎,工业车辆轮胎,摩托车轮胎,航空轮胎,特种车辆轮胎,力车轮胎,电动车轮胎等,按照结构可以分为斜交线轮胎、子午线轮胎,通常选择轮胎都是选择胶囊硫化,胶囊上使用脱模剂目的一是可以帮助轮胎脱模,二是可以延长胶囊的寿命,通常轮胎厂胶囊都选择喷水性脱模剂,无气味,干净环保,Mclube 6225非常适用,另外上下模具上也需要喷一层脱模剂,可以选MA6125E,多次脱模。




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