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cabot PK 1-3 上海君宜化工供应

信息介绍 / Information introduction

Norit 'leading in purification develops and applies state-of-the-art purification technologies to help society, through our clients, meet environmentalhealth, and safety challenges, and work towards a sustainable future,cabot PK 1-3. The Norit Group, headquartered in The Netherlands, supplies consumables, components,cabot PK 1-3, systems,cabot PK 1-3, and solutions, based on proprietary technology in every step of the water and beverage value chains More than 8 percent of the world's population -over half a billion people- already consumes water purified by Norit! Norit's activated carbon, membranes, pumps, aseptic and hygienic valves, carbon dioxide systems, and quality control equipment rank among the worId's best. Norit offers global coverage with research and development, engi neering, and manufacturing facilities In seven countries. A network of dedicated Norit sales and service enters, business partners, and distributors serves customers in more than 150 countries around the world 。

cabot PK 1-3

大约一个世纪前,诺芮特开始规模生产活性炭,那时,活性炭的主要用途是白糖生产精炼工艺中糖浆脱色,自那以后,诺芮特变身为重要的活性炭生产商之一.       目前,卡博特诺芮特活性炭公司已成为一家全球性公司,走在基于活性炭技术的净化领域前沿。我们的活性炭在荷兰、意大利、英国和美国的众多工厂中生产或再生,同时还有墨西哥和巴西的工厂的参与,在蒸气活化以及化学活化中,我们采用的原料范围很广,如:泥煤、褐煤、煤炭、椰子壳,甚至还有橄榄核,用以生产品种繁多的活性炭产品。卡博特诺芮特拥有**广的产品组合,活性炭产品应有尽有。通过控制物理形状(粉末化、碎粒化或挤压)·颗粒大小(从极细的粉末到4毫米压出材料)活化度、纯度的变化,和通过具体的如浸渍等后处理,诺芮特可提供各种应用所需的炭型,“你永远不需要强行适配诺芮特炭”

cabot PK 1-3

上海君宜化工销售中心(有限合伙)是一家专业从事“化工原料及产品|橡胶,炭黑|色母粒,弹性体”的公司。自成立以来,我们坚持以“诚信为本,稳健经营”的方针,勇于参与市场的良性竞争,使“Cabot,Tatal,Kumho,Beta,Dikson,Rubaid,Elkem,Mclube,Dic,Glassven,Zannan,Exxonmobil,Borealis”等品牌拥有良好口碑。我们坚持“服务至上,用户至上”的原则,使上海君宜化工在橡塑中赢得了众多的客户的信任,树立了良好的企业形象。 特别说明:本信息的图片和资料*供参考,欢迎联系我们索取**准确的资料,谢谢!

cabot PK 1-3

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