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手机保护膜iphoneX全屏苹果钢化膜 窄边6D满版 刘海IPX 冷雕蚀刻

信息介绍 / Information introduction




  带包装标准配置:钢化膜+防震泡沫袋+ 木盒包装+酒精干湿包.














  买家必读:凡本公司出货商品,在销售或者使用的过程中有质量问题或有少发请及时与我们联系,我们会 时间给你解决,并给你一个满意的答复.Buyers must read: where the company's shipment of goods, in the sale or use of the process have quality problems or have less hair, please contact us, we will for the first time to you, and give you a satisfactory answer.1.货到到达收货地点后,无论外包装箱是否破损,都需要开箱检查,务必当面验货核对,确认无误以后签收,客户签收之后默认对产品发货数量以及品类没有异议,故签收后不接受关于少货的投诉;如有产品因运输问题产生破损,请让相关运输公司出据加盖公章的证明,并将此证明提供给我们,由我们来协助客户进行索赔;如因物流造成货物有破损或丢失,我们将不承担相关责任.1. Goods to arrive at the place of receipt, no matter outside the box is damaged, need to check out of the box, must face to face inspection check, after the confirmation sign, customer receipt after the default on the shipment of the product quantity and category has no objection, so after receipt does not accept a few goods complaints; if products because of transport problems produced damaged, please let the relevant transportation companies, according to the official seal of the proof, and this proved available to us, we assist clients claim; if the goods are damaged or lost caused by the logistics. We will not be liable for responsibility.2.长期合作的批发客户及分销客户我们实行长拿长保制度。少量拿货客户,我们依据相关法规执行(7天内非人为的质量问题退换货,30天内保修,功能类产品180天内保修,保护类不作保修)。客户在发现产品质量问题退货时,请用普通快递退回我公司,运费客户垫付.若客户在未与客服沟通情况下,直接退货,我们将不予受理;我公司不接受到付件。2.long-term cooperation of wholesale customers and distribution customers we take long to take the long protection system. The customer goods with a small amount, we according to the relevant laws and regulations execution (within 7 days of non-human quality problems returned goods, 30 day warranty, warranty functional products within 180 days, protection class no warranty). Customers in product quality problems to return. Please use ordinary courier back to our company, to advance freight customers. If the customer not with the customer communication, direct return, we will not accept; my company does not receive pay.3.买家以不满意或不好卖,买错了为理由,产品实际没有质量问题,我们将不予退换货;3. Buyers are not satisfied or not to sell, buy on the grounds that he was wrong, actually no quality problem, we will not return;4.保修产品需要在保修时间内退回,产品外观完整可以保修。未经授权擅自修理、改装; 未按正常方法使用、贮存的产品不在保修范围内。4.warranty products need to return within the warranty period, the product appearance integrity can be guaranteed. To repair or modify without authorization; the products that are not used and stored in normal methods are not in the scope of warranty.

  深圳市恒睿光学有限公司供应手机保护膜iphoneX全屏苹果钢化膜 窄边6D满版 刘海IPX 冷雕蚀刻,为您提供详细的产品报价、参数、图片等商品信息,如需进一步了解手机保护膜iphoneX全屏苹果钢化膜 窄边6D满版 刘海IPX 冷雕蚀刻。

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