信息介绍 / Information introduction
The CNL35SSI converts a SSi information provided by a single-turn or multi-turn positional encoder into one or
two analog outputs and with up to 2 alarms relays.
ersion and order code:
CNL35ssi Base version with one analog output
CNL35ssi/R1 + 1 relay
CNL35ssi/R2 + 2 relays
CNL35ssi/S2 2 analog outputs
The 95600 series are 4-20mA loop powered LCD digital indicators. They don’t require any auxiliary power supplyand fit easily to all your installations. The 95600EXT version is design for hard environmental conditions(outside) or for ATEX zone.• 95600 specifications:Realization- slot-in box: 96 x 48 x 63 (Standard).- Removal front face (scale adjustment access). All type of display offset switchable by dip switch.Positioning of the decimal point by dip switch.Fine gain & zero adjustment by potentiometer.- Snap-in fixing by means of plastic clamps.- protection IP52 ( IP65 in option)- wiring with screw-terminals.Display- Loop powered (loop dropout voltage: 5 V).- Display of current in meaningful engineeringunit.- High contrast LCD display (STN type), widetemperature, 3 1/2 digits , 12.5mm height, 2000points resolution.- accuracy: +/- 0.25 %.- breaking indicator "1" or "-1".- Automatic polarity (minus sign) indication.• 95600EXT specifications:Realization- Cast aluminium housing + epoxy painting(operating temperature -25°C....+60°C), IP66protection.- Multiple mounting possibilities:swivel bracket for mounting on vertical or horizontalpipe (specify diameter) or wall mount.ATEX option (95600EXT/ADF)- Explosion-proof approval housing certificate (ATEX 6097X/01).- Gas and dust approval.Display- Loop powered (loop dropout voltage: 5 V).- Display of current in meaningful engineeringunit.- Wide temperature range LCD display, 4 digits,10 mm height, 10000 points resolution.- Configurable display range by push buttons.(do not carry out this operation on site if thedevice is used in hazardous area. The devicemust not be opened while it is powered in hazardousarea).
Analog converter Pulse Width Modulation outputFor driving Static Relay type: CMi30 & CMi31• Direct control of synchronous static relayWhole wave train (PWM)- fix dosing mode- Analog setpoint converter mode• Switchable setpoint- Internal potentiometer- External (4 ... 20mA, 0 ... 10V, potentiometer)• Application:- Control of heating resistors for:- Ovens, bath oils, industrial process- Climatic chambers- Test benches .....• Voltage output signal or static relay dry contact:- 0...10V ; ………..
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