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厦门外语 外语培训

信息介绍 / Information introduction



Everyone wants to have a good spoken English, but because we do not have a language environment to speak English, it is difficult to improve spoken English. There are many ways to learn English, you can learn English at home, you can also find training institutions to learn English, you can find foreign teachers training institutions, if the price will be very expensive?


What are the main types of oral English training for adults?


1, everyday English


Learn this kind of English more, mainly daily use, whether it is dining or meeting, or travel abroad can be used. Learning everyday English is relatively simple, even without the foundation of English.


2, business English


It is rather difficult and requires English foundation to learn. Business English belongs to a more professional, learning this kind of English people are generally working in foreign enterprises or often have business negotiations with foreigners and so on, their spoken English is very good, but need to learn some professional terms.


3, foreign trade English


With more and more international exchanges and trade, foreign trade English is also gradually rising, foreign trade English and everyday English is not exactly the same, it involves more sales content, so it needs professional learning.


The three kinds of English introduced above are relatively common. Business English should be the most expensive in terms of learning costs, followed by foreign trade English, daily English is the cheapest, of course, business English is the most difficult to learn, and foreign teachers are the most demanding.

厦门祎祎文化教育一国际教育(One International Education)是以十种以上语言来学习全科课程的国际教育文化互动平台。旨在培养优秀人才。不限年龄,更拥有美国教育协会评委作为背书。资源共享,拥有世界各国文化交流平台,国际乐队、国际经纪公司、国际外教中介作为旗下品牌及一脉相承的大数据资源共享。覆盖娱乐行业、金融业、教育实业、农业、制造业、建筑业等921个行业,并为其输送国际型人才。集团总裁Hanna注重各国文化交流,中国民族荣誉感及社会使命感,崇尚慈善事业,并推动慈善事业为企业带来声誉附加价值祎祎教育更是开启多元化教育模式,线上线上同步教学,享随时随地轻松学习,为不同阶段学员制定不同教学计划课程,学习更效率

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