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信息介绍 / Information introduction

Room light intensity sensor



房间光强度传感器PHOT ASGARD® RHKF具有四个可切换的测量范围(四个设备合二为一),通过扩散器测量光强度,用于控制灯具,照明系统,百叶帘和帆布百叶窗,监控工作场所,储藏室,车间的照明条件,走廊,室内区域,工业大厅,办公室,住宅和商业设施,日光依赖恒定光控制,光强度或黄昏传感器,控制遮阳设备,避免不必要的房间升温。因此,它可以减少各种类型和库存,同时涵盖更***的通用应用。使用的传感器特别适合人眼的灵敏度。其比较大灵敏度在350 nm至820 nm范围内。因此,凭借其特殊的过滤器,

光强度:  0 ... 500 Lux / 1/5/20 kLux 输出:0-10V或4 ... 20mA

The room light intensity sensor PHOTASGARD® RHKF with four switchable measuring ranges (four devices in one), measures the light intensity by means of a diffusor and is used to control luminaires, lighting systems, Venetian blinds and canvas blinds, to monitor lighting conditions at workplaces, in storage halls, workshops, corridors, in indoor areas, in industrial halls, in offices, as well as in residential and business facilities, for daylight-dependent constant light control, as light intensity or twilight sensor and to control sunshade equipment avoiding unnecessary heating-up of rooms. It therefore minimizes your variety of types and stock keeping while covering a greater range of universal applications. The sensor used was specifically adapted to the sensitivity of the human eye. Its greatest sensitivity is in the range of 350 nm to 820 nm. Therefore, with its special filter, the sensor is ideally suited to exposure measurement of daylight and ⁄ or for measuring artificial light of high colour temperature (similar to sunlight).

Light Intensity: 0...500 Lux / 1 / 5 / 20 kLux
Output: 0-10V or 4...20mA

0 - 10 V4...20 mA
Output type
U currentI - current
Type Output Output type Item No.
RHKF-U 0 - 10 V U current 1601-41A1-2000-000

RHKF-I 4...20 mA I - current 1601-41A2-2000-000

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